What to Wear Tips

What to Wear Tips aka What Not to Wear Tips

1. Many families are tempted to wear all white....I mean how hard is it for everyone to find a decent white shirt to wear, right?? My advice, however...don't do it!! When you look at a picture your eyes tend to focus on the brightest part of the image first...I want that to be your face instead of your shirt.

2. Black has a tendency to create floating heads and hands so it's best to steer clear of having everyone wear black also.

3. Be thoughtful about choosing a tank top as your picture shirt. Sleeves (short or long) will never steer you wrong.

4. Wear what you are comfortable in. Believe me, you don't want to be tugging at your outfit the whole time! 

5. As you are planning outfits for your family consider where you will be displaying your pictures. You may want to choose the colors you will be wearing based on what colors you have in your house! The right photo (with the right colors) can 'make' a room! Ask me about this if this concept sounds intriguing but not totally clear!

So I took away the easy ideas....what does that leave you with? 

Neutral tones and colors. It IS ok and often better to not all wear the same color! Mix it up if you want and I'll do my best to balance everyone out. Or pick two colors and have everyone work those colors into their outfit. Using scarves, jewelry and kids clothes to bridge the differing colors works well too. Or just dress everyone in shades of green (for example). In this case scarves, jewelry and kids clothes can add a bit of unexpected color. If you're still unsure of what to do, just bring a few options to your session and we'll work together to pick something great!

Good Luck! Let me know if I can help you any further with this part of the process!